ROOTCON - Easter Egg Hunt 2020: Space Challenge

The author gave us this file for this challenge: diwata_satellite_canbus_dump.log

The file contains a canbus dump.

Searching in Google about CANBus led me to these blogs:

Car Hacking 101: Practical Guide to Exploiting CAN-Bus using Instrument Cluster Simulator — Part I…
Today, when you drive a car, there’s nothing that is not mediated by a computer. And at the core of all this is the Controller Area Network or simply called CAN or sometimes CAN Bus, a central…
Part 1
Car Hacking 101: Practical Guide to Exploiting CAN-Bus using Instrument Cluster Simulator — Part…
This is Part II in the series “Car Hacking 101: Practical Guide to Exploiting CAN-Bus using Instrument Cluster Simulator”. In part I, we discussed, what is CAN Bus, enough information for you to get…
Part 2

After reading the blog, I learned that I need to install a tool called can-utils and clone the Instrument Simulator Cluster from GitHub.

sudo apt-get install can-utils -y
Instrument Cluster Simulator. Contribute to zombieCraig/ICSim development by creating an account on GitHub.

Running the inside the cloned ICSim will help us create a vcan0 interface in order to simulate the car network.

If you’d like to try the simulator, you may run the icsim pointing to vcan0 interface.

./icsim vcan0

You also need to run the controls file which is a controller in order to send traffic on interface vcan0.

But to solve this challenge, you only need the following tools:

  • cansniffer
  • canplayer

First, I fired up cansniffer to sniff every traffic from the diwata_satellite_canbus_dump.log and I then started running the traffic from the CANbus dump file using canplayer.

The content of the log file is divided into columns. The first column is time, the second one is ID, the third and last columns are data.

During the replay attack, I quickly noticed the first few lines:

0.000000  300  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF ........
0.000000  300  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF ........
0.000000  300  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF ........
0.000000  202  60 01 60 60 60 60 60 00 `.`````.
0.000000  123  DE AD BE EF             ....
0.000000  123  DE AD 13 37             ...7
0.000000  400  73 70                   sp
0.000000  300  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF ........
0.000000  510  10 AD 01 3C F0 48 12 0B ...<.H..
0.000000  401  61 63 65 73 61 74 65 6C acesatel
0.000000  7F1  03 22 F1 90 00 00 00 00 ."......

The ID 400 has the sp value and the ID 401 has the value acesatel. If you combine those two values, it will give us spacesatel.

I then look for ID 402 and I found:

0.000000  402  6C 69 74 65 73 68 61 76 liteshav

The updated value is now spacesatelliteshav.

Next ID is 403 and scrolling down to sniffed CANbus logs will give us the last part of flag:

0.000000  403  65 63 61 6E 74 6F 6F    ecantoo

The flag is rc_easter{spacesatelliteshavecantoo}.